Monday, July 4, 2011

#009 In My Mailbox

WHAT'S IN MY MAILBOX #001In My Mailbox or IMM is hosted by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren (best blog in the world, seriously!) where you talk about the awesomely cool books that you received in the mail, via the stacks of your local library, recent purchases, etc.

This week I only got a few books to talk about and a few E-ARC's, so let's get started!

The List of Books:

You Are So Undead To Me by Stacey Jay
A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young (Signed ARC won from Shannon @ Ramblings Of A Wannabe Scribe)
The Chaos (Num8ers #2) by Rachel Ward


Bookish Brunette

Seriously, my girl Ashley along with Stacey Jay are offering up the entire set of the Megan Berry series in a giveaway, woo hoo! OVER HERE! So, you'd better get in on it, while you can. And also, while I'm pluggin' away, check out some of the other awesome giveaways, interviews, and guest posts too! It seriously to diiiiiiiiiiiie for! ;)



Tris & Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison
The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle
Love Story by Jennifer Echol's

And, I got a few E-ARC's from Netgalley and S&S Galley Grab and I totally can't wait to read them, especially Tris & Izzie since I love re-tellings and the story of Tristan and Isolde. That movie was gorgeous, seriously. If you haven't seen it, then you must rent it and watch it at least one time!

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