Booking Through Thursday is a weekly event hosted HERE, where fellow book-dorks get together and discuss books and bookish type things. Each week there is a theme or a different subject and all you have to do is make a post about it in your blog and then link to the post in the comments section. Easy-peasy.
What’s the last book you were really EXCITED to read? And, were you excited about it in advance? Or did the excitement bloom while you were reading it? Are there any books you’re excited about right NOW?
The last book that I was really EXCITED to read was probably, The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegen or The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton. Both of these books were really really good and definitely surpassed my expectations, my review for The Faerie Ring is already up and I'll be posting one for The Mephisto Covenant closer to the release date along with an awesome swag giveaway that Trinity Faegen was nice enough to provide. So, be watching out for that.
Right now, I'm really EXCITED about Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel, which I'm reading an ARC of right now for review. I'm only about fifty or so pages in and I am already IN LOVE with the book, the setting, and the characters. It's just this really awesome steampunk romance meets zombies supsense filled thriller that you definitely won't want to put down. So, right about now, you should be adding this book to your list.
And, I'm also SUPER EXCITED to read Half-Blood by Jessica Armentrout, another ARC that I'll be reading and review at the blog. I've already read Daimon: The Prequel To Half-Blood, which you can get a free copy of the novella prequel at Spencer Hill Press. So, there's like no reason at all that you can't read this, because it sets up perfectly, what I think is going to be an amazing novel to read with very awesome world building, well fleshed out character's, and definitely an intriguing and exciting plot that will keep you captivated and tied to your set until the last page is finished. Oh, and if you want, you can see my review for Daimon: The Prequel To Half-Blood at my blog. I had a lot of fun writing it and I think you'll have a lot of fun reading it.