For the month of August
So, the amazing and fabulous girls over at Book Soulmates have come up with kind of an awesome way to surprise someone with a totally "random act of kindness." And I kind of like the idea, so I think I'll play along this month, myself.
Hopefully I'll be able to send one or two out this month, maybe. We'll see how it all goes.
To check out all off the super cool details on how to get involved and share a totally "random act of kindness" with someone else, just head over toBook Soulmates. They only have a few rules, so this is kinda how this works out.
a. Sign up each month you'd like to participate in. (For me, it's this month.)
b. Show off your participation, by grabbing one of their little nifty buttons and displaying it.
c. Then just create a wish list and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K post for the month. {Post on your blog, Amazon, where ever as long as there's a link to it.}
d. Then if you decide you want to do a R.A.K for someone else, just scope out their wish list and contact them for their address, and viola R.A.K. done.
e. Then at the end of the month, SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! (Dude, dirty much! lol.) Just make a post saying 'thank you' to whoever granted one of your wishes and share it with us because we wanna know how these super cool bookish friends are. :)
With that being said you can find MY WISHLIST OVER HERE or DOWN BELOW if you want specifics on what I really want, after you make your way over to BOOK SOULMATES and fill out the sign-up sheet and follow the directions.
Oh and dude, I totally don't mind getting used books, as long as they're not literally trashed. As in, the cover is lightly worn and the pages aren't marked all over or torn up. In fact, I've been known to have bought some pretty good books from reliable sources that were used and were in still very good condition. Oh, and don't forget that the bookdepository has free shipping and I know that if you spend up to $25 at Barnes&Noble, Amazon, and Books-A-Million that you get free shipping as well. Just a little fyi, for those interested. :)
To share the love with other's and actually give an R.A.K GO HERE!

The rest of the books that I'm sort of crushing on and wishing I could adorn my wonderful bookcase shelves with can be found on MY WISHLIST HERE! And remember to have fun brightening someone's day, you never know they might actually need it. :)