Thursday, February 16, 2012

Book Review: Goddess Interrupted (The Goddess Test, #2) by Aimee Carter

By Aimee Carter
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publish Date: March 27, 2012
Format: Hardback, pp 304
Age Demographic: Young Adult
b&n // amazon

Kate Winters has won immortality.

But if she wants a life in the Underworld with Henry, she’ll have to fight for it.

Becoming immortal wasn’t supposed to be the easy part. Though Kate is about to be crowned Queen of the Underworld, she’s as isolated as ever. And despite her growing love for Henry, ruler of the Underworld, he’s becoming ever more distant and secretive. Then, in the midst of Kate’s coronation, Henry is abducted by the only being powerful enough to kill him: the King of the Titans.

As the other gods prepare for a war that could end them all, it is up to Kate to save Henry from the depths of Tartarus. But in order to navigate the endless caverns of the Underworld, Kate must enlist the help of the one person who is the greatest threat to her future.

Henry’s first wife, Persephone.

*Summary taken from Goodreads.

❝My Thoughts❞

Goddess Interrupted is a deeply rich and wonderfully dark tale that is sure to captivate readers. Carter gives a beautiful nod to Greek mythology and pays extraordinary homage to Hades, Persephone, the King of the Titans, and the Underworld itself. It's wildly dark and dangerous, filled with heart-pounding twists and turns sure to keep readers on edge, while still possessing the tender vulnerability of love and longing. Carter's re-imaginings of the many Greek gods and goddesses are a bit unique and cleverly different than other's I've personally read, which makes the world she's building even more fantastical. She somehow manages to give it just enough modern edge to make it stand apart from most young adult books that incorporate Greek mythos into their novels.

Kate is ever still the strong charismatic heroine that readers were introduced to in The Goddess Test, filled with such wonderful realistic flaws like her insecurities that often play up and a tendency for being a bit reckless. All of which make her incredibly relatable, yet she still finds herself a bit isolate in a way by the distance and secrets kept from her on Henry's part. Somehow, he just manages to keep her at arm’s length in such a way, that it feeds into her insecurities and she doubts whether or not he loves her and whether she made the wrong decision. Thankfully, none of that deters her when she makes the decision to do what she has to do, which is save Henry who is such a mysteriously intense presence in this story. Like Kate does, he comes along with his own underlying faults that he has to work through, as well. He has a habit of putting distance and space between the two of them and hiding things from her that she really should be privy to.

Together, Kate and Henry share such a heart-wrenching deeply honest and beautiful relationship that will have readers aching for them. At times it is conflicting and filled with distance and secrets, doubts and insecurities, yet when they're really working on their flaws together they are incredibly sweet. It makes it hard for readers to not want them to work out their issues and end up together. The introduction of Persephone, which I was personally waiting for, was probably the most interesting aspect of this novel. It makes for an incredibly intense predicament, discovering that not only is she Kate's sister, but also Henry's ex. In a way, it seems as if it presents reader's with a bit more background into Henry's keeping Kate at arm’s length, and maybe a bit of a love triangle by adding a little more flavor and depth to the story.

Goddess Interrupted is chalk full of so many twists and turns that readers will not want to put it down for fear they might miss something important. It's a fast-paced wildly gripping novel that will definitely hook anyone who enjoys Greek mythology and love stories involving dangerous peril and sacrifice. There is so much incredible danger and adventure tempered against heart-pounding love and overwhelming determination that makes this book such a thrilling and captivating read. Carter puts readers into the story along with all of the characters through brilliant imagery and wonderful storytelling abilities, and ultimately leaves them with an image they will not see coming. I would suggest this book to anyone who has enjoyed Meg Cabot's Abandon, Gwen Hayes Falling Under, or Brodi Ashton's Everneath.


{Small Note: This book was received from Harlequin Teen via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review which I have provided in a timely manner. No money exchanged hands, I review books for fun because I love to read. I am not interested in monetary gain.}


  1.  OOOO!!! I cannot wait to read this series. >.< SUZ STOP MAKING ME WANT TO READ STUFFS!!! ;)

  2. So we've already talked about this a bit but I definitely think we're on the same page.  I loved everything that you loved!  I just can't wait for the third book, and yes, I loved the addition of Persephone.  It was done SO well!

    Molli | Once Upon a Prologue


  4. I love how much we both kind of love this book and are in total agreement. I cannot wait for the next one to be out, because holy whoa...what a cliffhanger. And I really need WANT more of Persephone. :)

  5. I really enjoyed the first one and can't wait until I have time to read this one. Thanks for review.

  6. Awww, BEAUTIFUL REVIEW, Suz! I was a little worried about this book because I've been hearing some mixed reviews even though I adoooored The Goddess Test! So it makes me really happy that you loved it -- I can't wait to get it in my hands now!! x)  Kate and Henry and even Persephone... March can't come fast enough! :)

  7. Aw, thank you so much for your compliments, Mimi! They're totally making me blush and smile like whoa! *g* To tell you the truth, so was I until I actually sat down to start reading it and I found it so good and way too enthralling to put down until I was finished. I really loved how they introduced Persephone, because I felt like it gave everything a bit of edge and a lot more insight into Henry and why he keeps Kate at arms length. 


  8. Thanks, for commenting on my review. I'm glad that you liked it, I really enjoyed the book better than I thought I would. Read it practically in one night. :)


  10. This is one of those series that I've been telling myself that I would start depending on the second book in the series.  Your review had definitely convinced me that it is time to give this series a go.  Fab review!


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