Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Resolutions for 2015

It feels like this year has flown right past me, it's been crazy, fun, and a little bit stressful at times but it was still a good year. Lots of things happened. I got to finally meet one of my best online friend's this year, when she came to spend almost a week with me in February. We shopped, we ate, we crafted a little bit, and we shopped some more. We just basically hung out and did whatever we wanted to do pretty much. 

I wasn't necessarily able to reach all of the goals that I had planned for this year, but I did manage to accomplish quite a bit and I'm okay with that. That's something that I've promised myself I was going to work on this year and I did - the not stressing out so much if I don't finish a challenge that I started (reading or blogging). I did the best that I could and I'm alright with it so far. I didn't read quite as many books this year as I had planned on reading, but one thing I did do was manage to read books that I have been really wanting to read for a while. These are books that have been sitting on my Kindle shelf or my actual book shelf for more than 6+ months. 

I also managed to a few more ARC's and eGalley's than I usually do and I think that's because I wasn't really putting any time limits or constraints on myself. The added pressure is what managed to make a lot of my reading the year before feeling so forced and necessary. This year, I just kind of went with the flow and read at my own pace and if it means that I read a few less books that's fine with me. I'd rather read for the enjoyment, instead of reading to try and out do whatever crazy goal I had set for myself the year before. 

For the upcoming year I've managed to cull my Resolutions and Goals list back a little bit to the more important things that I really want to work on. 

Blogging Goals for 2015

  • I'm going to try and write at least 2 book reviews a week, even if one of them is just a mini-review. I'm going to do my best to catch up with reviews that I'm behind on.
  • I want to at least try and have 4 or more posts always scheduled ahead of time in advance, so that I don't feel always feel like I'm lagging behind.
  • I'm going to complete at least one challenge this year (if not two) and this definitely has to do with the blog, because the two challenges that I have my eye on are The Book Blogger Organization Challenge that's being hosted by Book Addict's Guide and The Book Blog Discussion Challenge that's being hosted by Feed Your Addiction. I already have between 10 t0 12 discussion topics picked out and I also love the idea behind The Book Blogger Organization Challenge, because you can do in your own time frame and it's broken down by each month with a different topic for six months. 
  • I'm definitely going to be commenting more to those blogs that I follow on a regular basis, commenting more via social media as well and culling back on those with some clean up as well.

Reading Goals for 2015

  • I'm going to be working on updating my Goodreads shelves, organizing them a little bit better, and just doing some basic cleaning there.
  • I'm also going to be cleaning up Edelweiss and Netgalley, making sure that I've gone back and written the reviews and posted them. I'll definitely be playing catch up with this one, I'm toying with the idea of taking two month's out of the year and assigning one month for each of these just so that it'll be easier for me when I do the clean up and getting caught up there.
  • I'll be keeping an ARC List and choosing at least three ARC's/eGalley's that I'll be reading each month and writing reviews for so that I don't stress myself out too much and I can also make time for other books that I may want to read. 
  • I'm also going to resolve to finish at least 6 series that I've got sitting on my bookshelf this year and I will be keeping track of that as well in both a spreadsheet and a new feature I'm calling, Once Upon A Series. 

Personal Goals for 2015

  • I want to resolve to be a little bit more positive for the New Year, than I was this past one.
  • I'm also going to exercise a little bit more, by watching at least three to four times a week when the weather gets a bit warmer. 
  • I'm going to just learn to let things go, because you can't always change them and it's no use in letting them change you or make you unhappy. 
  • I'm going to just be happy, most of all.
I hope all of you have a Happy New Year, if you have any resolutions share them with me in the comments below! 


  1. I didnt know about the blogger challenges.Thanks for mentioning them.I also read a lot of books but it never occurred to me to count the no of books I was reading.

    1. Oh, I didn't know about it either, until one of the blogger's that I followed posted about them, and I thought they sounded like great challenges. So far, the only book challenge that I've really committed to was the Goodreads 2015 challenge. Ooh, you're more than welcome, thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. I'm going to check out the Discussion challenge. That is something I definitely want to incorporate on my blog more. I have so many series I need to finish. You can do this!

    1. It's something that I wanted to take part in, as well. It looked like something that I could do to spice up the blog a little bit and actually have a little bit of original content. *g* I know what you mean, I have about 5+ series that I'm definitely going to be finishing up this year. Tell you what, I'll cheer you on and you can cheer me on, maybe we can get through it together. Hahaha.

      Thanks for stopping by the blog! :)

  3. Great resolutions!!! Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope it is a great year for you!!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings


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