Thursday, September 1, 2011

#023 Third Sentence Thursday

Third Sentence Thursday

Third Sentence Thursday is a nifty little weekly meme hosted by Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books.

1) Take the book you are reading now and post the third sentence
2) Review this sentence anyway you want (funny and silly reviews encouraged)
3) Post a link to your sentence here or if you don't have a blog, just post it in the comments!

Also, don't forget to enter MY GIVEAWAY for an ARC of CARRIE JONES, AFTER OBSESSION. It's a fantastic read and I know that if you liked her Need series, you will absolutely LOVE this book as well. It's totally a gem.

By Paula Morris
Publisher: Point
Publish Date: August 1, 2011
Format: Hardback, pp 304
Age Demographic: Young Adult
b&n // amazon

"But how could she, without revealing that she knew Nick?" (pp ;; 157)

Welcome to York, England.

Mist lingers in the streets.

Narrow buildings cast long shadows.

This is the most haunted city in the world. . . .

Miranda Tennant arrives in York with a terrible, tragic secret. She is eager to lose herself amid the quaint cobblestones, hoping she won’t run into the countless ghosts who supposedly roam the city. . . .

Then she meets Nick, an intense, dark-eyed boy who knows all of York’s hidden places and histories. Miranda wonders if Nick is falling for her, but she is distracted by another boy — one even more handsome and mysterious than Nick. He lives in the house across from Miranda and seems desperate to send her some sort of message. Could this boy be one of York’s haunted souls?

Soon, Miranda realizes that something dangerous — and deadly — is being planned. And she may have to face the darkest part of herself in order to unravel the mystery — and find redemption.

*Summary taken from Goodreads.

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