Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Once Upon A Series: Series I Plan To Finish In 2015

I have so many book series that I've started reading in the last few years, that I haven't gotten around to actually finishing yet and I thought I would take this year and finish up a few of those series. If you're anything like me, then you probably do too. I started off reading all of these series with the best of intentions, but something else either came up or I was in the mood for a different book at the time and wasn't interested in reading the next book in the series I was currently reading.  

So, one thing sort of led to another, and I got into the habit of putting off reading the next book or catching up. Three of those series that I need to play catch up with are finished now and it's the perfect time for me to try and get them all read. I decided that it might be fun to sort of track my progress and figured I would share it with you guys too and if it turns out to be something that you're also interested in doing, that's awesome. 

The Mortal Instruments Series 

by Cassandra Clare

This is a series that I started reading when it first came out and I really enjoyed it, most especially the first three books in it. I gobbled them up like crazy, I was even excited that she was extending the trilogy by three books. I picked up the fourth book on the day it was released from my local bookstore and started reading it, but for some reason I just couldn't seem to get into it. It wasn't that I didn't like it or that it was bad, it was just odd for some reason I didn't seem to be feeling it. So, I've pretty much been in a "currently reading" this book state since it first came out. I'm determined this year to finish this series!

The Vampire Academy Series

by Richelle Mead

With this series, I binged read the first two books and then read Shadow Kiss and Blood Promise immediately after release. I bought both Spirit Bound and The Last Sacrifice the day they were released, but didn't read them immediately. I finally got around to reading Spirit Bound last year and this year is definitely going to be the year that I finish this series. I've been putting it off, because I was sort of spoiled for how it ends and I was a little grumpy about that. I love this series and I want to finish it, so that I can tackle the spin-off series, Bloodlines.

A Touch Trilogy

by Leah Clifford

I honestly love this trilogy so much, I don't know why I haven't managed to read the last book in it yet. Probably, because I wasn't ready for it to be over and it was just sort of my way of prolonging the inevitable. lol. The writing style is dark, poetic, and beautiful. I love all of the characters and each of their stories, I definitely want to finish this one up this year at some point.

Wicked Lovely Series

by Melissa Marr

I have two books left in this series to read and I am so determined to finish them up this year! It's crazy, that it almost took me a year to finish reading Wicked Lovely. For some reason I couldn't get into it until about 70 pages or so before it ended and I was so incredibly hooked that I gobbled up the next few novella's and books in the series then stopped for whatever reason. 

Pushing The Limits Companion Series

by Katie McGarry

I can't even tell you how I got so behind in this companion series, but it's one of my favorites and I'm definitely going to be setting aside some time to finish it up or at least get as caught up with it currently as I can. 

So, those are some of my series that I plan on finishing up or catching up with this year. If you guys have any that you've fallen behind on or any that you are planning on getting or keeping current with let me know in the comments below. 

I plan to keep updating this post whenever I finish one of the books in these series/trilogy. I may even decide to do a little wrap-up series end post once I've finished one or gotten caught up currently with it every other month or so. I don't know if I'll be writing full book reviews for them, but I might start writing mini-series or book reviews we'll see how that goes. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck finishing these series! I have a few I need to finish too. I like Bloodlines a lot more than Vampire Academy.


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