Happy Follow Me Friday, everyone! The long and short of it, life is crazy and reading is my life, basically. So, yeah this feature is awesomesauce.
Go here, to get the deets on it and start having some fun. It's all about meeting some new people, finding new blogs to follow, and basically just having fun with awesome people.
This week she's featuring the awesomely amazing Lisa from Read.Breathe.Relax.. Her blog looks like it's a lot of super fun with a lot of amazing bookish things going on, so totally go follow this cool chick!
This is easy, two books come to mind when I think of this question and those books are both from the Twilight saga - Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Seriously, the ONLY THING that saved Eclipse was the chapter that Stephanie was FINALLY kind enough to give to Rosalie, since she's my favorite character in this whole series. And with Breaking Dawn, I felt like she contradicted herself with the whole baby storyline plus I was super offended by it. Not to mention, this whole if Jacob couldn't have Bella then he would have her daughter. The whole thing was just disgusting and really gross. I cannot believe that I actually stood in line for hours waiting until midnight just to get a copy of both of these books, Eclipse I can be a little forgiving for but Breaking Dawn...HELL NO!
And the funny thing is New Moon is my favorite book out of this series and I never thought Twilight was half as bad as a lot of people have made it out to be. Sure, it wasn't the greatest book in the world, but it's certainly not the worst either. I remember being so excited for these first two books that it was unreal, I really actually enjoyed them. But, that was before Hollywood put their awful spin on things and the fandom went completely wackadoodle. I mean seriously, I've seen people just get real fucking stupid over these books and they're just books that's all. I promise, if you didn't get your ship this time around, you will get it next time.
Really, there's nothing like sitting in the theatre in between an Edward and a Jacob fangirl, who nearly came to blows over my head and I'm literally going...WTFrell?! Take your stupid outside, yo! lol. I'll take my Fido and Mr. Sparkles Mockery any day of the week...shifty eyes...I'm lookin' at you, Mol's. If anyone asks me, that's who I ship hardxcore now! I don't know, maybe it's Maybeline ya'll. ;P
Brought to you by the ever awesome and fiercely amazing CRAZY FOR BOOKS. Want to make a connection with a fellow blogger? Feel the need for a few new followers? Or you just want to spread some blogger spirit and love? Well, this is totally the "blogger hop" for you and you can find out how to do all that HERE.
"This week’s question isn’t a question at all! I thought I would do things a little differently this week and give all of you a chance to promote a giveaway (or two!) from the blogosphere.
You have to find another blogger who is having a giveaway and promote their giveaway for them! If possible, promote a giveaway from a blogger doing the Hop (hey, you are visiting other blogs anyway, right?). Have fun with this one! It’s not an easy task this week!"
This one is super easy for me, because LA FEMME READERS is having a HOT SUMMER GIVEAWAY and you should totally go check it out. They're giving away some awesome books like, Everneath, Sweet Venom, Lola and the Boy Next Door, etc. So many amazing reads that are like, to die for!
And if you thought that was awesome, Daisy Chain Book Reviews is offering up another amazing giveaway for a copy of Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson that also includes a copy of the playlist too! This giveaway is totally International, so I'm guessing by that ANYONE can totally enter to win. I've heard some amazing things about this book and it looks like it's going to be a really fun read, so yeah I suggest you head on over there.

TGIF is pretty much this nifty little feature that you can use to sum all of your blogging activity for the week and have it one spot, where people can find things easily and it's all brought to you by the lovely Ginger over at G-READS. Go here to link up and show off your TGIF lists.
This Friday's question has to do with "confessions of a blogger."
The book that I think I've had the hardest time actually finishing was Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. I'm totally not kidding, it took me a little over a year to finish reading this book. I honestly don't know if I wasn't into it at the time, maybe it had to do with not being able to connect with the main character. Whatever it was, it kept me from being able to fully enjoy the book in the way that I wanted to, but still I forced myself to finish it and I did earlier this year. Once I got to a certain point in it, it actually picked up and I started to really enjoy it. But, man it was hard getting to that point.