Okay, here's what five totally bookish things, I'm crazy about this week.
001. The new cover release for Kelly Armstrong's second novel in her Darkness Rising series, The Calling. I think I actually like the cover for this one better than I did her first novel in the series, The Gathering and I'm really excited and can't wait to read this.
002. Since I have so many Netgalley books in my queque, I'm totally going to be participating in Red House Book's July = Netgalley Month! So far, I'm already reading the first book in my list of books that I want to read in my queque, Tris & Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison. The other books I'm planning on reading this month from Netgalley are:
The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle
Angel Burn by L.A. Weatherly
Hereafter by Tara Hudson
That's a lot of reading, so I'm gonna have to really get started and finished it all up, if I want to meet my goal.
003. The Contemps. Oh my! I've been reading A LOT more of them lately, than I usually do and I've actually been really enjoying them. I've started reading books by authors like Sarah Dessen, Deb Caletti, Lauren Barnholdt, Elizabeth Scott, Lisa Schroeder, and other's.
004. I am a Steampunk and Dystopian bitch! Seriously, with books like Veronica Roth's Divergent, Lauren de Stefano's Wither and Kady Cross's The Girl In The Steel Corset, how could I not be?! Tiny little confession, since confession is good for the soul and all, I haven't gotten the chance to read Divergent yet, but I'm actually thinking about splurging on it at some point within the next month or two. Yes, that book will be on my shelf, provided the library doesn't actually order a copy of it. lol. I need that book like NOW!
005. And finally, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it looks like Greek mythology is becoming the new paranormal, with all these wonderful books out featuring the Greek mythos to the re-tellings, to the upcoming new releases. Such wonderful authors like Gwen Hayes, Tera Lynn Childs, and new debut's like Josephine Angelini are going at it like feirce and their novels are simply to diiiie for!
Also, apparently I've jumped ship from Team!Vampires to Team!Zombies officially now, thanks to Bookish Brunnete's crazy little Zombie Craze that she orgazined recently.
Really, this is isnane and I know this was the new feature Friday ;; Five By Five that I'll be doin' here at the blog, where I'm just kickin' it old!school style. Hey, it is what it is. A little of this and a little of that, just anything I've seen going around the blogosphere that I think is incredibly bookishly amazing. You'll find it all here, at the end of the week.
So, I leave you with this, since it was inspired by the original Five By Five girl herself, Faith Lehane!