Spring has sprung and I'm legit excited to be sharing the YA Spring Fling Giveaway Blitz with you guys!
Just like the banner says, there's going to be OVER 70 author's participating in this Spring Fling blitz, OVER 100 eBooks offered up as a giveaway, along with some really awesome signed paperback copies, super swanky swag, audiobooks and SO MUCH MORE!!! There's going to be books from all genre's offered, so it doesn't matter if you're a paranormal buff, a contemporary enthusiast, a sci-fi/dystopia lover of all kinds, or just love a really great historical mystery or horror book ever now and then. There will definitely be something that will play to everyone's taste.
There's a lot of amazingly talented authors taking part in this, like Beth Revis, Nikki Goodwin, Katie French, H.S. Stone, Sarah Dalton, Jaime Campbell, etc. So, you don't really want to miss out on such an awesome event that's going on. Plus, it's a really super cool way to recognized both traditionally published and Indie/Self-Published authors too. All of them each have their own style, flare, and ways of telling a story in whatever genre they've chosen to write in and they want to share their books with YOU!
How freakin' awesome is that!?
An awesome opportunity for readers and authors to connect!
From March 20th to April 3rd, over 70 authors are coming together to give away hundreds of books and I get to share that with you today! The YA Spring Fling is a superb opportunity for any and all voracious readers to find new books, new authors and take part in something super duper special. Today I have a sneak peek of some of the books that will be involved in the giveaway.
All are totally featured in the YA Spring Fling giveaway, which you can find HERE!
I'm really excited to be sharing a special Q&A with Sarah Dalton, who is the generously talented author who has spent loads of time organizing this special event! So, I'm going to let her tell you a little bit more about it, because she can do it better than I could. :)
Q & A with the Organizer
– Sarah Dalton
How can readers enter the YA Spring Fling giveaway?
Head over to my website Sarahdaltonbooks.com and find the page for the YA Spring Fling (handy hint, it’s HERE). Once you’re there you can browse through the books on offer, or check out more information about the participating authors.
You should see plenty of links prompting you to enter the giveaway. Simply fill out the Google document telling us which books you’d like to win, the format you prefer, and whether you would also like to win paperbacks and swag. It’s that simple. Pick the books you want and sign off.
How will I know I’ve won?
There are so many books on offer that I’d be surprised if you didn’t win something! So you will be hearing from us.
After April 3rd, I will collate all the entries and pass them on to the participating authors. They will then choose the winners at random and Email the winners to let them know the good news.
Will my Email or personal details be used outside the giveaway?
Absolutely not. We’re all against spam and promise not to use your Email for anything other than contacting you as a winner. If you joined up to the YA Spring Fling mailing list you will receive one Email telling you the giveaway is open, and another warning you it is about to close. That’s it!
Is the giveaway open internationally?
Yes! But there are some paperbacks on offer that are region specific. Not all of our authors are sending paperbacks and swag internationally, purely because it costs us so much money and we ain’t made of it. ;)
We will ask for your country of residence in the Google document. That’s so we can work out the winners for region specific paperbacks more easily. Everything else is open internationally.
I have a question, who can I contact?
Me! Send me a message on Facebook. My Email might be clogged by answering author queries, so Facebook might be the easiest method.
Who can I tell about the giveaway? And what can I do to help spread the word?
You can tell everyone and anyone who might like YA books. If you’d like to spread the word it would be awesome if you could follow or like some of the authors and share their posts about the giveaway. You can find a full list of the participating authors and their social media links here.
About Sarah Dalton
Sarah Dalton grew up in the middle of nowhere in the countryside of Derbyshire and as a result has an over-active imagination. She has been an avid reader for most of her life, taking inspiration from the stories she read as a child, and the novels she devoured as an adult.
Sarah mainly writes speculative fiction for a Young Adult audience and has had pieces of short fiction published in the Medulla Literary Review, PANK magazine, Apex Magazine and the British Fantasy Society publication Dark Horizons. Her short story ‘Vampires Wear Chanel’ is featured in the Wyvern Publication Fangtales.
She is the author of the popular YA dystopia series 'Blemished' and the gothic novella 'My Daylight Monsters'. She is currently working on a YA Fantasy series titled 'White Hart'.
So what are you waiting for?!

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